AR tools for industrial maintenance
AR tools for industrial maintenance Hitachi Share Experientia created digital AR tools that added intelligence and efficiency to the industrial maintenance and repair processes in the shopfloor’s context. A working hi-fi AR prototype was demonstrated to the C-suite. Based on the as-is maintenance process and existing pain points, Experientia conceptualized use-case scenarios, interaction flows and interfaces. 3 things to know Express delivery Our benchmark focused extensively on Europe, US, China and Japan while industry experts joined our research from 5 different countries, bringing insights from all around the world. Focus on core issues Through user journey mapping, main issues of industrial maintenance were uncovered and turned to key solutions for the interaction concept. Innovation throughout Cutting edge technology platforms like AR Core and Google’s Cloud Speech API were used to create a coherent system between mobile, smartwatch and earbuds. Gallery Multilayer tech ecosystem that combines three devices: smartphone, smartwatch and headphones Watch interface Watch interface Analysis diagram of the maintenance process and existing pain points In depth Service mix: Prototyping Information architecture Service design Behavioral modeling Context The client is an industrial player that has its own factories and also provides shop floor equipment to factories of their clients. In these environments any interruption in an assembly or production line is very costly. Challenge Efficient production time is lost due to misinformed, miscommunicated and non-standardized maintenance processes. The solution is a combination of user and system generated content that constantly improves according to daily incoming data about maintenance operations. The client would like to use AI and machine learning to provide values for all the stakeholders. Research Focused on worker’s needs to get jobs done rather than just spreading technologies, our solution was built on day-to-day tech providing maintainers with non-invasive support enabling them to be able to choose the best tech and device depending on the context and their personal experience. We used a (high end) coffee machine as a simulacrum of an industrial machine and mapped user journey and defined opportunities of digital tools for industrial maintenance. Design The proposed solution is a multilayer tech ecosystem that combines three devices: smartphone, smartwatch and headphones. They overlay timely, qualitative and statistical information to maintainers about assets, manuals and maintenance steps. The solution enables communication amongst colleagues and creates an easy reporting system, all integrated through a user and system generated database. Experientia designed a hi-fi prototype to showcase functionality and adequacy of an augmented multistep maintenance process on an exemplary machine. The prototype consists of an augmented reality app on mobile, an information app on a smartwatch and voice assistant interaction on a bluetooth headset. The demo across three devices proved interaction patterns and its benefits. The user journey consists of the six steps of a general maintenance process (asset failure, location, inspection, repair, spare parts, report and shift handover) organized along with macro phases (inspection, operation, communication, documentation). As second layer, we considered elements such as actors / tools and challenges and we highlighted the time consuming activities. Impact The client used the demo internally as a proof of concept to obtain further funding for future exploration As next steps the knowledge platform needs to be implemented and the solution should be tested on a shopfloor.. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy B2B Collaboration UI, redesigning the filter navigation experience B2B Reinventing customer and supplier interactions for a multinational flooring company B2B Driving digital transformation one touch at a time Go back to our portfolio
Innovation opportunities in the Polyclinic of Palermo
Innovation opportunities in the Polyclinic of Palermo Policlinico Giaccone Share Understanding the user experience in the hospital to bring incremental innovations to its clinic services 3 things to know Flexibility and adaptation An iterative approach throughout the project allowed us to adapt the analysis on the hospital context, its rules, and emerging unexpected opportunities. Observe, understand, create bridges Understanding behaviors and expectations of users, doctors and professionals was essential to respect the equilibrium between different perspectives in the hospital context. Deliver innovation pills Experientia proposed small solutions that could have a great impact on users (patients and HCPs) and that could be more easily integrated into the complex system of a University Hospital. Gallery In depth Service mix: Prototyping Participatory design Service design Behavioral modeling Ethnography Challenge We carried out a user centered design project within the University Hospital Polyclinic Paolo Giaccone of Palermo with the aim of generating innovative ideas to be deployed in its clinics in the area of cardiology, oncology, opthalmology and haematology. Following a participatory process, we involved the clinics’ medical staff in research and generative activities, detected two concepts and prototyped one of them. Research We conducted contextual interviews and shadowing for one week in 5 clinics in the Polyclinic, with physicians and nurses, their heads, and other primary actors in the clinic under study (e.g. postgraduate doctors, psychologists and administrative staff). This research allowed us to understand the functioning of the complex hospital system in the specific context of outpatient visits, aiming to propose solutions benefitting both HCPs and patients. Design Based on the workshop results, two design concepts were presented, one focused on effective communication between health professionals and the other on the welcoming and orientation of the patient. Considering the boundaries of the project, we decided to further develop the first concept, to illustrate it with a use scenario, and to integrate with a high level prototype aimed at showing functionalities of the main hospital software that could be implemented in order to facilitate interdepartmental communication. Impact The solution aims at facilitating collaboration – both between healthcare professionals within the same ward, and with other hospital facilities – through the optimization and integration of the functions of the Hospital Intranet and the creation of opportunities for meetings between healthcare professionals. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Health GoCare: Interactive dashboard for a better home hospitalization service Health Rare disease patient journey mapping HealthSocial innovation Singapore: a city for people aging gracefully Go back to our portfolio
Reinventing customer and supplier interactions for a multinational flooring company
Reinventing customer and supplier interactions for a multinational flooring company Tarkett Share Tarkett, a multinational flooring manufacturer, asked Experientia to explore ways to make them the easiest flooring company to interact with in Europe and the Americas. Experientia conducted in-depth ethnographic research, including contextual interviews and shadowing, in five different countries across Europe, the USA and Russia. We investigated the diverse range of stakeholders of the company, from architects, to flooring installers, wholesalers and retailers. 3 things to know Global research Our benchmark focused extensively on Europe, US, China and Japan while industry experts joined our research from 5 different countries, bringing insights from all around the world. Our local researchers conducted contextual interviews with architects, installers and retailers across five countries, ranging from observations of fitters removing flooring at Paris’ Roissy airport to discussions about design choices with architects in New York. Driving digital transformation Design principles modelled empathic, people-centric frameworks for developing self-service experiences. Innovation playbook in action Experientia designed innovative client-centered product/service solutions to improve supply chain performance, internal processes and company culture and grow Tarkett customer experiences. Gallery In depth Service mix: Design thinking Business strategy design Participatory design Behavioral modeling Ethnography Context A historic manufacturer of flooring products of all types, Tarkett faced the challenge of having to address increasingly fast supply lines at construction sites, while the move to digital experiences meant that they had to rethink and restructure their entire service experience. Challenge Our role as Tarkett’s user experience partner was to consolidate key knowledge dispersed across regional and functional divisions, act as an objective research partner in communicating their customers’ varied service and product needs and propose relevant, innovative solutions to improve the customer experience. Research Experientia interviewed and observed 80+ architects, flooring installers, wholesalers and retailers In USA, France, Netherlands, Sweden and Russia, using a range of ethnographic research methods including expert interviews, contextual inquiries and co-creation workshops. Stakeholders interviews and co-creation exercises with a variety of professional roles mapped the supply chain experience of commercial flooring products and services. Fieldwork results, customer journey maps and personas identified emerging themes ranging from sales relationships to life cycle approaches, product sampling to information management, deliveries to work flow issues. This initiative combined Tarkett’s EMEA, Russia and North America teams to share knowledge and work together on developing promising service concepts. To ensure that expert knowledge was incorporated into foundational research, we conducted stakeholder interviews with a range of employees from country sales managers to C-suite executives, who we involved throughout the research design and ideation processes. Design Experientia generated 150+ service opportunities for the different market segments. Co-design sessions with architects, interior designers, installers and retailers evaluated, prioritised and iterated select service opportunities. High value concepts were developed into concept prototypes and tested in the markets. Impact Our painpoint analysis was taken forward by the company into a detailed action plan: the simplest were addressed immediately, while other were the focus of more structured, longer term interventions. New initiatives and projects were launched, including a service for architects who could send their CAD drawings and renderings to Tarkett with 3 floor choices and would receive a few days later – and free of charge – a completed rendered visualization with those floors. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy B2B Collaboration UI, redesigning the filter navigation experience B2B AR tools for industrial maintenance B2B Driving digital transformation one touch at a time Go back to our portfolio
XME Pay: redefining an m-payments ecosystem
XME Pay: redefining an m-payments ecosystem Intesa Sanpaolo bank Share The human-centered approach is now central to the finance industry, as banks have become savvy in how to best connect to their customers’ needs and desires. As part of this trend, Intesa Sanpaolo asked Experientia to collaborate in the ideation and development of innovative features for a payment app (XME Pay). 3 things to know A step forward for digital and mobile payments The app is designed to be simple and immediately usable by a wide range of users. It also provides new services and functionalities, to improve on existing solutions. Working in agile mode To make development faster, we experimented with hybrid modes of prototyping, UX/UI design and agile methodologies. This helped ensure an efficient process and technically feasible solutions: concepts translate insights into actionable innovation opportunities to be prioritized, prototyped and evaluated. They took the form of platform or service visualizations, product design sketches, feature ideas, interaction and user interface solutions. Ongoing checks with service users To speed up the process of prototype testing and design iterations, we carried out several test rounds (with young users, seniors, professionals and families). Gallery In depth Service mix: Prototyping Information architecture User experience testing Behavioral modeling Useful links: Link to XME Pay Service by ISP Context Mobile and contactless payments continue to grow at an astonishing rate in Italy. In this context, Intesa Sanpaolo needed to quickly develop an effective mobile solution, able to compete both with the solutions provided by the main market players (Apple, Google) and with new innovative local players (SatisPay). Challenge Experientia was asked for a support during the contextual research, the definition of service concepts and prototypes, and the usability tests. Research Experientia conducted 16 contextual interviews in Milan and Naples, 10 with end-users and 6 with merchants. The interviews allowed us to identify payment behaviors and routines, and to generate ideas for accessory services such as discount management and loyalty cards. Design The study of the concept features was fundamental in the definition of the first and subsequent prototypes. Working in Agile, it was possible to quickly carry out several iterations of the application, and to test the functions with users in special sessions: some were dedicated to usability testing (training evaluation), others to specific insights, with different solutions in comparison (A/B testing). Impact The final solution was then developed and released in the summer of 2018, and was adopted in the first six months by 1.2 million customers (18% of the bank’s multi-channel customers). Link to XME Pay Service by ISP Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Finance Banca 5, a new branchless bank model Consumer technologyFinance BancoSmart, an award-winning ATM Finance CSA: sentiment-based decision support platform for crypto-currency trading Go back to our portfolio
XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices
XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices Intesa Sanpaolo bank Share Analysis of the areas of overlap between welfare practices and insurance offering, up to the realization of a banking product able to enhance them both. 3 things to know Redefine the meaning of “insurance product” Research results allowed us to identify behavioral patterns regarding the attribution of value and meaning in health and wellbeing areas, and define hypothetical use scenarios on how to involve users in a holistic self-care. Facilitating and enabling behavioral change Based on an analysis of the offer and on the formative evaluation, we were able to create a better definition of the service model and a detailing of pre-requirements to convey this service through digital/web and mobile platforms. Drivers of behavioral change We analyzed drivers of behavioral change such as Environmental & Life Constraints, Motivation and Belief, Social Pressure and Constraints, Cultural Frameworks, and Architectural and Interface Affordances. Gallery In depth Service mix: Prototyping Information architecture User experience testing Behavioral modeling Useful links: Link to XME Salute Service by ISP Context Since the middle of the last decade, the phenomenon of private healthcare insurance in Italy has increased regularly: in 2016, 10 million Italians declared that they had private healthcare insurance, and the reason for the choice is due to a fundamental reason that prevails over everything else: the length of waiting lists (72.6%). To deal with a context in which users give up medical treatment because it is too expensive, Intesa Sanpaolo has launched an innovative service, able to integrate wellness practices (e.g. improving nutrition, sleep, …) with easy access to a network of clinics in which to book online medical examinations, diagnostic tests, dental and physiotherapy services. Challenge The Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center turned to Experientia for ongoing support in defining value propositions for its new set of services, called XME Salute (“Health 4 me”). We investigated behaviours, values and convictions people have on themes such as wellness, health and their relation with insurance products. Research Research results allowed us to identify some behavioral patterns regarding the attribution of value and meaning among health and wellbeing areas, enabling us to create hypothetical use scenarios to understand how to involve users in a holistic self-care. We analyzed drivers of behavioral change such as Environmental & life constraints, Motivation and belief, Social pressure and constraints, Cultural framework, Architectural and interface affordances. Design Based on the offer and the formative evaluation, we were able to better define the service model and detail some pre-requirements in order to convey this service through digital/web and mobile platforms. Impact Health services are an important testbed for the cultural change required by digital, so it is essential that the service model provided remains consistent with the initial design: for this reason, since the launch of the service (June 2019) we have continued to follow the evolution of features in order to keep them consistent with the service model. Link to XME Salute Service by ISP Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Consumer technology Buttonless: engaging users in interactions with keyless devices B2B Collaboration UI, redesigning the filter navigation experience Cities & InfrastructureSocial innovation ToNite: social innovation and urban regeneration in Turin, Italy Go back to our portfolio
Qualitative research on food and drink consumption to develop new consumer services
Qualitative research on food and drink consumption to develop new consumer services The Coca-Cola Company Share The Coca-Cola Company has very detailed marketing research, and decided to add to explore the role of ethnography as an additional method to help them identify and map external and internal triggers for beverage consumption. 3 things to know Ethnography as new method An additional method for the Coca-Cola Company to gain insight and explore opportunities. Instagram Participants are asked to take a pictures and describe what they are snacking during the day by receiving a message right before the foreseen snacking time. Insight visualization Strong emphasis on visualization to translate results into actionable opportunities. Gallery In depth Service mix: Design thinking Behavioral modeling Ethnography Context Consumption of food and drink can be tangential and fragmented in our rushed urban lives. The Coca-Cola Company wanted to understand better how to understand people’s behaviors and explore opportunities for new products or services. Challenge The Coca-Cola Company asked Experientia to support them in an ethnographic research project on snack time, that should also act as a learning opportunity for the company. Research Experientia conducted a qualitative research targeting young consumers to help the Coca-Cola Company identify triggers, behaviors and expected rewards in beverage consumption during snack time. The approach involved 9 contextual interviews, 10 hours of fieldwork observations and 4 digital diaries on Instagram accounts. Activities tools such as the routine map, the beverage cards and the packaging cards supported the researchers to collect data from participants’ stories. The insights have been later visualized in order to identify new opportunity areas for the Coca-Cola Company. Design Although mostly a research project, we explored design visualizations to help the company representatives better make sense of the results. Impact The results were presented during an internal workshop in Milan with marketing managers from across Europe, who then iterated on the topics identified, and matched them with their own data. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Consumer technology Buttonless: engaging users in interactions with keyless devices Consumer technologyFinance BancoSmart, an award-winning ATM Consumer technology Exploring urban dwelling usage to inform appliance design Go back to our portfolio
Exploring urban dwelling usage to inform appliance design
Exploring urban dwelling usage to inform appliance design Samsung Share As the urban population (>75%) is supposed to continue its growth, dwellings demand will follow along. The client requested an analysis of Europe’s housing market, its recent past and emerging trends. Focusing on millennials, the generation approaching the property market, we investigated emerging drivers for both dwelling and major household appliances. 3 things to know Dwelling space is increasingly a premium In the three cities, singles/couples look for 55-65 sq m apartments; families are more focused on 70-80 sq m. It is also common for single people to live in studio apartments (about 30 sq m), especially in Milan and Stockholm. House minimum set-up Tenants in Berlin and Milan usually find, in the dwellings they rent, some basic pieces of furniture (table, chairs, beds) besides a functioning kitchen complete with cabinets. Appliances are transient When renting, people have a temporary attitude towards appliances and they tend to buy either less expensive (to leave-in when relocating), small (e.g. toaster, kitchen robot), or portable ones (e.g. free standing fridges). Gallery In depth Service mix: Business strategy design Behavioral modeling Ethnography Context We supported a client in mapping European changes in residential space, identifying population structures in urbanized areas, while highlighting areas where millennials aspire to live. The research predicts changes in the layout and setup of urban abodes and derives opportunities for base-line vs luxury appliance configurations. Challenge We investigated the EU property market and the demographics of Germany, Italy and Sweden to define the target sample fitting the research brief. The ensuing fieldwork aimed at involving realtors, interior architects and millennial owners and tenants in Berlin, Milan and Stockholm. Research We conducted an extensive fieldwork across Europe, touching 3 cities. Contextual interviews and dwelling observations involved 7 realtors, 19 residents and 3 local experts. The visits in millennial homes exposed the research team to the attitude, lifestyle and purchase drivers of this new generation of tenants and owners. Design The analysis of the extensive body of evidence collected resulted in insights about key drivers influencing millennials’ purchase of dwellings as well as home appliances. Participant profiling guided the team in identifying opportunities for home appliance brands that aim at addressing the expectations of millennial customers. Impact The research helped shed light on initial assumptions, discovering evidences for decoupling prime properties and luxury consumer products: people expect kitchen appliances to come in “kits” linked to kitchens. Customers expect to refer to kitchen suppliers for all issues pertaining kitchen components. As cooking habits change and fresh food consumption increases, people tend to forgo appliances that are culturally connected to long-term food preservation. Open floor plans entail kitchens, and the appliances therein are always on the front-stage. When use scenario switches to full entertainment or living, appliances should be able to blend with the rest of the interior. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Consumer technology Buttonless: engaging users in interactions with keyless devices Consumer technologyFinance BancoSmart, an award-winning ATM Consumer technology Finding entertainment on the go Go back to our portfolio
Singapore: a city for people aging gracefully
Singapore: a city for people aging gracefully DesignSingapore Council Share DesignSingapore Council asked Experientia to explore health and wellness for the elderly in the Singaporean public sector. We conducted ethnographic research and participatory design workshops, as part of a drive to develop design-led innovation for the health industry. 3 things to know Design ethnography and service design Experientia explored current healthcare experiences of the aging population in Singapore through design ethnography identify opportunities for design-driven innovation in public healthcare. We identified opportunity areas for design-driven innovation in the Singaporean public healthcare space to help Singapore create the right conditions to support a rapidly aging society. Interactive map of findings The interactive map allows people to browse the personas alongside field research videos, that communicate the research findings in the participants’ own words. Long lasting impact The findings have been incorporated in the Health Ministry’s ongoing Action Plan For Successful Ageing, and guided the development of a new residential impact. Gallery Singapore is proactively addressing the problems of a rapidly aging society We explored what is like to grow older in Singapore today, carrying out contextual interviews and shadowing with elderly people, their carers, and people with the healthcare industry. In participatory design workshops with Singaporean stakeholders, we introduced experience design guidelines and created concepts and strategies to improve the elderly healthcare system in Singapore. Our 8 personas show different experiences of aging and using the healthcare system in Singapore. Our customer journeys maps show the typical issues the participants experiences as they tried to manage their health. In depth Service mix: Design thinking Policy development Envisioning Participatory design Service design Behavioral modeling Ethnography Useful links: Download the pdf English language Website External link Singapore press External link Press release External link Press article External link Press article External link Context By 2030, Singapore will experience a profound shift in its age demographics with the elderly population increasing by three times. This calls for a radical change in perspective on how care can be better delivered to the elderly. Challenge To prepare and plan for that change, The DesignSingapore Council’s Asian Insights and Design Innovation (AIDI) programme embarked on a Rethinking Health and Wellness for the Elderly project to look into developing design solutions that better meet the needs of the elderly in Singapore, and asked Experientia to carry out an extensive research and analysis project , including a workshop with participating public agencies and services from the Singapore healthcare system. Research The project started with an understanding of global trends in elderly healthcare services. This was then followed by a design ethnography study through interviews and shadowing – to gather deep qualitative insights into the habits and behaviours of the elderly and to identify trends, behaviors and gaps in the interaction between elderly people and the healthcare system. From the observations, we learned about how the elderly think, act and feel towards managing their health at home and their needs and wants. Experientia developed 8 personas to begin the process of designing for behavioural change and explore solutions like ageing-in-place, peer-to-peer support and community platforms to solve some of the elderly healthcare issues. Participatory workshops allowed stakeholders from the public to be part of this process generating 12 main user-centred design concepts. In two multi-day innovation workshops with healthcare and public service stakeholders, representatives from the healthcare industry and public sector joined Experientia and DesignSingapore Council in Singapore. Here we introduced the challenges the participants face on a daily basis, showing video clips from the research to reveal the human faces behind the research. The stakeholders developed service concepts that would suit the unique characteristics of Singapore. Design Experientia team designed an interactive map of findings, a rich database resource that invites stakeholders to explore and be inspired to innovate and design relevant solutions for the ageing population. The concepts were useful to guide Singaporean healthcare agencies to create strategies, policies and services. The results of the project were compiled in a handy publication for further use in Singapore and freely available for anyone. As part of the project, Experientia also worked with Singaporean agencies and ministries to devise community-focused concepts for elderly residents in the Kampung Admiralty residential block. Co-creation workshops prototyped key policy decisions on ageing, health and housing. Impact Experientia’s report recommendations were widely reported in the Singapore press and were integrated in the Government’s $3billion Action Plan for Successful Ageing (website – pdf – press release – press article). The Kampung Admiralty residential block has been completed. It incorporated many of the concept ideas that were co-created in the Experientia-lead workshops. Download the pdf English language Website External link Singapore press External link Press release External link Press article External link Press article External link Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Cities & InfrastructureSocial innovation ToNite: social innovation and urban regeneration in Turin, Italy Health GoCare: Interactive dashboard for a better home hospitalization service Health Rare disease patient journey mapping Go back to our portfolio
Rare disease patient journey mapping
Rare disease patient journey mapping Client confidential (pharmaceutical company) Share A global-to-local approach to represent the patient experience. 3 things to know A toolkit that guaranteed quality and consistency of patient journey mapping process We aimed at redesigning the patient journey maps so they would look consistent throughout the different medical areas of the company and therefore improve usability. Patient experience and emotions at the center We gathered reports from many departments, both medical and commercial and grouped key patient insights in one reference file. At a glance you can gain a good understanding of the patient experience, emotions, behaviors and actions. Face-to-Face validation sessions with cross functional client teams Being able to gather feedback first hand from the expert teams as well as bringing them together in a room has opened up the possibility for great collaboration and future development opportunities. Gallery In depth Service mix: Business strategy design Participatory design Service design Behavioral modeling Ethnography Context Modern pharma companies need to align teams worldwide around a shared global patient journey to guide coherent service design and implementation. This global-to-local approach supports independent, local innovation by providing a shared, global representation of the patient experience, facilitating the company’s patient-centric approach through user-centered design. Challenge This four-month collaboration with the Global Patient Services team of the pharmaceutical company included desk research, journey map information architecture and visual design, pilot testing of a custom localization toolkit, and global patient journey in three local country offices, and iteration for global distribution. Research Our researchers read and evaluated numerous ethnographic research reports, market research summaries, and patient stories in the public domain. Analysis focused on determining the patient journey and distinguishing it from assumptions made from doctor, Pharma, and other stakeholder points of view. Design We developed a journey map representing the global patient journey from first symptoms through a lifetime of ongoing management of the disease. We then developed a “localization toolkit” – a workshop in a box – integrating bespoke activity templates and a recommended agenda to customize the global journey map and patient model to a country’s unique context. Impact Numerous teams have used journey mapping in the past, even for specific rare diseases. Our approach provided added value by integrating emotions, relationships, and the patient’s evolution over time. Designing a journey map of a multi-stakeholder process is the tip of the iceberg. Significant critical design and communication efforts were focused on communicating the impact of switching from a therapy to patient point of view. Related projects All Services Behavioral design Research and assessment Strategy Health GoCare: Interactive dashboard for a better home hospitalization service HealthSocial innovation Singapore: a city for people aging gracefully FinanceHealth XME Salute: integrating insurance offerings with wellness and health practices Go back to our portfolio